Foundation Objectives

The Antonio Gades Foundation is a private, non-profit institution created in 2004 in order to ensure the maintenance, care and promotion of the work by this Spanish choreographer and dancer. To this end, the Foundation safekeeps and catalogs the archives bequeathed by Antonio Gades, supports and supervises the reinterpretation of his choreographies, releases publications that further develop his work and promotes educational activities designed to connect the public with Spanish and flamenco dance.

Directed by his widow Eugenia Eiriz and with the support of his close collaborator Josep Torrent, and under the chairmanship of María Esteve (actress and Gades’ daughter), the cornerstones of the Foundation’s activities are conservation, promotion, training and social action.

Some of Foundation’s major achievements include: the digital publication of the trilogy Gades filmed at the Royal Theatre and released in cinemas and televisions around the world, the publication of a range of materials designed to introduce Gades’ works to new generations, the staging of Gades’ works by other companies (Spanish National Ballet, Magdeburg Ballet, Cuban National Ballet), the establishment of a historical archive on the life of Antonio Gades open to researchers, the organization of El Arte de Gades (The Art of Gades) and the Antonio Gades, 60 años de danza española (Antonio Gades, 60 Years of Spanish Dance) and Antonio Gades, visto por Antoni Miró (Antonio Gades, seen by Antoni Miró) exhibitions and the implementation of a comprehensive educational program, which includes the Flamenco en el Aula (Flamenco in the Classroom) initiative, developed to help primary and secondary education teachers introduce students to flamenco, and a successful educational show under the title Movimientos, la danza de la punta al tacón (Movements. Dance: From Heel to Toe), aims to help new generations to discover and enjoy one of the richest and most appreciated cultural heritages of the Ibero-American universe: Spanish dance.




Teatro Albéniz | Madrid

Funciones a la venta: 8, 9 10 y 11 de mayo